Thursday, 31 July 2014

cleaning up your webmail

Create a new search list based on the following parameters and delete all the mails


To Delete old Mails : Before certain date


1.      In the search option i.e. "Has the words" field, type before:2010/01/23.

2.      That's just an example date; it would delete all messages received prior to January 23 of year 2010.

3.      You can use any date you want, as long as it conforms to the format YYYY/MM/DD.


Find the Large Attachments


1.      In the search folder type size: 5000000, this is size greater than 5MB


Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Paste Special short cut not working?

If you have run some unwanted code and some copy related functions not working properly, this you can enable it by just running this code….


Sub EnableCopyCutAndPaste()

EnableControl 21, True ' cut

EnableControl 19, True ' copy

EnableControl 22, True ' paste

EnableControl 755, True ' pastespecial

Application.OnKey "^c"

Application.OnKey "^v"

Application.OnKey "+{DEL}"

Application.OnKey "+{INSERT}"

Application.CellDragAndDrop = True

Application.OnDoubleClick = ""

CommandBars("ToolBar List").Enabled = True

End Sub


<source “Mr.Excel”>


Thursday, 17 July 2014

Slicers to Tables

Do you know that now slicers can be created even with tables.

What is a slicer, in a group of data if you want slice and see a filtered data, you use slicer.

How to use
a)      Create a data Sample
b)      Make that as a table
c)      You will find it in Insert Tab > Table

d)      After the table is done(ensure headers are there)

e)      Place the cursor on the Table and insert slicer(see at the last of the image), select the required fields

f)       You will now be able to slice and see the information.