Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Gratuity Calculation

Gratuity Calculation In India =


[ (Basic Pay + D.A) x 15 days x No. of years of service ] / 26



Where, D.A = Dearness Allowance.


Gratuity Eligibility:

1.      Any person employed on wages/salary.

2.      At the time of retirement or resignation or on superannuation, an employee should have rendered continuous service of not less than five years.

3.      Payable without completion of five years only when death and disablement.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Index + MATCH

It’s the time to say good bye to Vlookup and start using Index & Match.

One of the staff has asked me to fetch a last transaction value and the corresponding field for a given parameter. The first answer for the solution is a Vlookup, however it has a variety of limitations



1.      Your data range is limited to a table. That means the data you are looking up has to be in a standard tabular form. You cannot use VLOOKUP to find a lookup value in a different table, sheet, or offset row. This limits the ways you can display your data, as anything you want to lookup must be available in a standard table format in your spreadsheet.

2.      VLOOKUP always searches the leftmost column of the specified table to find the lookup value. Again, this limits your choices in presenting data as lookup values always have to be to the left of the return values. This sometimes means you must have multiple copies of tables in order, think far ahead when creating tables that might be used in lookup, or reorder columns after the fact simply to use VLOOKUP.

3.      You can only specify the return value column by index number. This means there is no way to include a static reference to the return value column. If someone adds a column between the lookup value column and return value column, it will break your VLOOKUP and you have to manually increase the column index number in the formulas. This is a maintenance nightmare.

4.      VLOOKUP provides a very limited approximate match feature. The only aproximate match option finds the nearest “less than” value. Unless you want that type of behavior, you’re out of luck and can’t use it.

5.      By default, VLOOKUP uses approximate match. If this is how you want it to function, then great… However, in many cases you want an exact value returned. It gives no indication it is picking a closest match result. If you do not want this behavior (which is most of the time, I have found…), you remember to explicitly set the Range_lookup argument in the formula to FALSE. Range_lookup is optional, and not a very descrive name of this feature, so it is often overlooked. This quirk is exasperated by the second danger…

6.      VLOOKUP can provide false results if the table is not sorted in ascending order! This is an issue when you use the approximate match feature, which is TRUE by default. Basically, VLOOKUP starts at the top of the table and goes down row by row until to gets to a valie less than or equal to the lookup value. If your table is not sorted in ascending order, this can give false results, as the formula stops processing rows immediately after finding a “match.”


The answer to these problems and limitations is the INDEX-MATCH lookup method. This methods uses two functions together to provide a more safe and flexible lookup feature. Here’s how each function works, independently:

  • INDEX returns the value at the intersection of a row and column in a given range.
    • Formula: =INDEX(Array, Row_num, Column_num)
      • Array - The range of cells
      • Row_num - The row to return data from
      • Column_num – The column to return the data from [optional]
  • MATCH returns a position of an item in an array that matches a value.
    • Formula: =MATCH(Lookup_value, Lookup_array, Match_type)
      • Lookup_value – The value you want to find in the lookup value array
      • Lookup_array – The range containing lookup values
      • Match_type – Exact (0), Nearest Less Than (-1), or Nearest Greater Than (1) [optional]



Here is the problem statement,

Data Set





Lets also understand CSE Formula


Last date            



Last project        



Any clarification reach me back venu@vnv.ca

Friday, 10 October 2014

Identify Duplicate/ common in two data sets

In case if you have two sets of list and you want to see all the common names in it, easier , simple and quicker way.


a)      Select two lists

b)      Go to Conditional formatting

c)      Select highlight Duplicates and see the magic





Monday, 29 September 2014

Max + IF with multiple criteria

In a given set of data you want to find maximum or minimum number you can use the MAX + IF forumla,

Note : this is a CSE Formula, so please ensure you press Ctrl + Shift + Enter after typing this formula, instead of just pressing Enter.


Eg : A Vendor has many purchase records, you want to know when you purchased last


Say the records are this way



You want to know the last purchase details



The formula is













Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Tally Error Rectification

When you get an error in the tally, do the following



1)      Go to Command prompt



2)      Enter the text

a.      First – Tally exe file path

b.      Second – Data folder path

c.      Third – Error Code ( code is there in the error msg )


3)      Tally screen will appear -  Don’t select the company

4)      Ctrl+Alt+R – Rewrite command

5)      It will delete the error


Every time you do this, don’t forget to thank me ;)


Monday, 18 August 2014

Bad eMail Habits

Are bad email habits distracting you, wasting your time, and causing miscommunications with clients, employees and others? Making a few simple changes to the way you handle email will help you improve focus, save time, and communicate more effectively.
Here are five bad email habits that could be holding you back—and positive alternatives to get you moving forward.
Bad habit #1: Sending emails late at night, early in the morning, and on weekends. This sends clients the message that you’re on call 24/7, so they treat you that way—which ultimately stresses you out. It also sends employees the message that you expect them to be on call 24/7—which stresses them out.
Instead, try: Limiting the hours during which you and your employees send work-related emails. Prohibiting email from, say, 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., will give everyone time to unplug, rest, and recharge.
Bad habit #2: Using email to discuss topics best suited to other means of communication. Overly complicated emails lead to confusion, while scheduling meetings by email leads to endless chains of “reply all.”
Instead, try: Finding alternate ways to communicate complex or sensitive subjects. Use calendar tools to plan meetings, IM or chat to discuss simple topics, and phone or in-person conversations to deliver bad news or hash out complex issues.
Bad habit #3: Setting alerts to be notified of every incoming email. Getting pinged every time you receive an email is distracting and makes you less efficient and productive.
Instead, try: Turning off alerts (unless you’re waiting for a very urgent email). Set specific times to check email, such as in the morning, before and after lunch and in the late afternoon.
Bad habit #4: Using vague, unclear subject lines. Generic subject lines like “Hey” or “Meeting” or “Question” require recipients to open the email to see what it’s about and makes it harder to search for relevant emails later on.
Instead, try: Using specific, detailed subject lines to speed comprehension and save time.
Bad habit #5: Sending overly long and complex emails. With more users checking email on their mobile phones, an email that’s too long will likely never get read—it will just get ignored.
Instead, try: Limiting email length to five brief sentences, max. When more detail is necessary, use attachments.


Source: http://h30458.www3.hp.com/apr/en/smb/Are-bad-email-habits-wasting-your-time%3F_1417972.html?jumpid=em_taw_IN_aug14_pps-xbu_2250650_hpgl_gb_1417972_0&DIMID=EMID_1274774286&DICID=null&OID=11060568&mrm=1-4BVUP

Thursday, 31 July 2014

cleaning up your webmail

Create a new search list based on the following parameters and delete all the mails


To Delete old Mails : Before certain date


1.      In the search option i.e. "Has the words" field, type before:2010/01/23.

2.      That's just an example date; it would delete all messages received prior to January 23 of year 2010.

3.      You can use any date you want, as long as it conforms to the format YYYY/MM/DD.


Find the Large Attachments


1.      In the search folder type size: 5000000, this is size greater than 5MB


Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Paste Special short cut not working?

If you have run some unwanted code and some copy related functions not working properly, this you can enable it by just running this code….


Sub EnableCopyCutAndPaste()

EnableControl 21, True ' cut

EnableControl 19, True ' copy

EnableControl 22, True ' paste

EnableControl 755, True ' pastespecial

Application.OnKey "^c"

Application.OnKey "^v"

Application.OnKey "+{DEL}"

Application.OnKey "+{INSERT}"

Application.CellDragAndDrop = True

Application.OnDoubleClick = ""

CommandBars("ToolBar List").Enabled = True

End Sub


<source “Mr.Excel”>


Thursday, 17 July 2014

Slicers to Tables

Do you know that now slicers can be created even with tables.

What is a slicer, in a group of data if you want slice and see a filtered data, you use slicer.

How to use
a)      Create a data Sample
b)      Make that as a table
c)      You will find it in Insert Tab > Table

d)      After the table is done(ensure headers are there)

e)      Place the cursor on the Table and insert slicer(see at the last of the image), select the required fields

f)       You will now be able to slice and see the information.